Languages of Europe

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87 of the languages of Europe

Choose a language:

Icelandic Sami (Lapp)
Scottish Gaelic Nynorsk Norwegian Finnish Karelian
Swedish Estonian
Scots Danish Latvian
Irish Manx North Frisian Lithuanian Russian
Welsh English West Frisian East Frisian Kashubian Belarusian
Cornish Dutch Plattdeutsch Lower Sorbian
Picard Flemish
Guernsey French Jersey French Walloon German Upper Sorbian
Breton Gallo French Luxemburgish Czech Ukrainian
Alsace German Slovak
Galician Auvergnat Swiss German Romansch Hungarian
Asturian Basque Gascon Piemontese Ladin Slovene
Occitan Friulan Croatian
Portuguese Aranese Provençal Ligurian Venetian Bosnian Romanian
Aragonese Monégasque Emiliano-
Serbian Georgian
Spanish Corsican Italian Macedonian Bulgarian
Catalan Neapolitan Albanian (Gheg) Turkish
Sardinian Albanian
Valencian Aromanian
Sicilian Greek

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