Provençal - prouvençau

The Occitan language is split into several dialects including Gascon, Aranese (a sub-dialect of the Gascon dialect, but an official language in Val d’Aran), Occitan dialect, Auvergnat and Provençal. The national language of Monaco, Monégasque, might be expected to be similar to Provençal, but in fact it is a western dialect of the Ligurian spoken in Italy. The fact that the dialects which make up the Occitan language include one called Occitan is slightly confusing, but things were no clearer in the past. Until the mid 20th century the language of the South of France was usually referred to as Provençal, but now only the south eastern dialect of Occitan, the dialect of Provence, is called Provençal.

1. fraire    brother        1. o    yes        1. Quant costo?    How much is that?
2. sorre    sister        2. noun    no        2. Ounte me fau paga?    Where do I pay?
3. fiéu    son        3. se vou plais    please        3. Coumprendre    To understand
4. fiho    daughter        4. merci    thank you        4. Coumprene    I understand
5. paire    father                  5. Coumprene pas    I don’t understand
6. maire    mother        1. dimenche    Sunday        6. Sabe    I know
          2. dilun    Monday        7. Sabe pas    I don’t know
1. printèms    spring        3. dimars    Tuesday          
2. estiéu    summer        4. dimècre    Wednesday        1. (ié) siéu    I am
3. autoun    autumn        5. dijòu    Thursday        2. (tu) siés    you are (informal)
4. ivèr    winter        6. divèndre    Friday        (vous) siatz    you are (formal)
          7. dissate    Saturday        3. (il) es    he is

Car Diéu a tant ama lou mounde que i’a douna soun Fiéu soulet, per que tout ome que crèi en éu noun perigue, mai ague la vido eternalo.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3,16

9. Paire nostre que siés dins lou cèu, que toun noum se santifique, 10. que toun Règne nous avèngue, que ta volonta se fague sus la terro coume dins lou cèu. 11. Douno nous vuei noste pan de cade jour, 12. perdouno nous nòsti dèute coume nous autre perdounan à nòsti debitour. 13. E fai que toumben pas dins la tentacioun, mai deliéuro nous dóu mau.

9 Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6

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