
The Appeal of Being a Christian

Be determined and confident. Don't be
afraid or disheartened. The Lord your
God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1,9

8 things which make me happy to be a Christian:

  1. The commandment to treat others the way you wish to be treated.

  2. The power of prayer, which, like learning to ride a bike and keeps improving with practice, is not only a great comfort, but it gets things done once you discard any doubts and replace them with trust. You can ask for God's blessing on things you plan to do.

  3. The fellowship of being part of the world-wide Christian family, all brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ (regardless of denominations and sects), means churches are places where you can go to share your belief in God with people who won't laugh at you for it.

  4. For a Christian death is like waking up from a dream, perhaps a very bad dream, and taking your place in the real world of heaven, where misery, illness and fear are permanently replaced by happiness, love and peace.

  5. You begin to understand why things happen the way they do. This world is a random, dangerous place, some people use their God-given free will to bring misery to others, while some folks bring trouble on themselves.

  6. The Bible can be a great source of wisdom and comfort when you know where to look, though it can seem baffling if you don't! In today's world of fake news and malicious scams, there aren't many places you can find wisdom you can trust. The Bible's wisdom has stood the test of time.

  7. People often have role-models, though all of them, being human, are flawed to some extent. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was kind and caring, extremely intelligent, forgiving, a great speaker, thoughtful, sensitive and yet passionate about the things He knew to be right. He mixed easily with powerful politicians and with the poorest, most underprivileged members of society. Wouldn't Jesus make a good role-model?

  8. When you become a Christian you begin to find you have a real purpose in life - making the world a better place in whatever ways you can. Besides encouraging you to be charitable to people in need and to tell others the Christian message, you learn how to value yourself, to use your God-given talents and to be more confident.