Slovene - slovenski
In Slovenia many different dialects of Slovene are spoken. None of them corresponds exactly to the standard language. Literary Slovene is therefore a language with no speakers, though there are over two million people who are speakers of colloquial Slovene. It is a South Slavonic language which is related to its neighbour Croatian. In the 19th century some academics had the idea of uniting Serbian, Croatian and Slovene into one standard language, but although it was possible to make Serbo-Croat out of the first two, Slovene was too different to join the club.
1. |
brat |
brother |
1. |
da |
yes |
1. |
Koliko stane to? |
How much is that? |
2. |
sestra |
sister |
2. |
ne |
no |
2. |
Kje lahko plačam? |
Where do I pay? |
3. |
sin |
son |
3. |
prosim |
please |
3. |
Razumeti |
To understand |
4. |
hči |
daughter |
4. |
hvala |
thank you |
4. |
Razumem |
I understand |
5. |
oče |
father |
5. |
Ne razumem |
I don’t understand |
6. |
mati |
mother |
1. |
nedelja |
Sunday |
6. |
Vem |
I know |
2. |
ponedeljek |
Monday |
7. |
Ne vem |
I don’t know |
1. |
pomlad |
spring |
3. |
torek |
Tuesday |
2. |
poletje |
summer |
4. |
sreda |
Wednesday |
1. |
(jaz) sem |
I am |
3. |
jesen |
autumn |
5. |
četrtek |
Thursday |
2. |
(ti) si |
you are (informal) |
4. |
zima |
winter |
6. |
petek |
Friday |
(vi) ste |
you are (formal) |
7. |
sobota |
Saturday |
3. |
(on) je |
he is |
1. |
konj |
horse |
(ona) je |
she is |
2. |
pes |
dog |
1. |
mesto |
town |
(ono) je |
it is |
3. |
mačka |
cat |
2. |
vas |
village |
1. |
(mi) smo |
we are |
4. |
krava |
cow |
3. |
ulica |
street |
(midva) sva |
we both are |
5. |
bik |
bull |
4. |
trg |
square |
2. |
(vi) ste |
you are (plural) |
6. |
svinja |
pig |
5. |
most |
bridge |
(vidva) sta |
you both are |
7. |
ovca |
sheep |
6. |
hiša |
house |
3. |
(oni) sto |
they are |
8. |
volk |
wolf |
7. |
vrt |
garden |
9. |
miš |
mouse |
8. |
cerkev |
church |
10. |
ptica |
bird |
9. |
šola |
school |
1. |
en, ena, eno |
one (msc., fem., ntr.) |
11. |
gos |
goose |
10. |
postaja |
station |
2. |
dva, dve, dve |
two (msc., fem., ntr.) |
12. |
riba |
fish |
3. |
trije, tri, tri |
three (msc., fem., ntr.) |
4. |
štirje, štiri, štiri |
four (msc., fem., ntr.) |
1. |
kruh |
bread |
1. |
črn |
black |
5. |
pet |
five |
2. |
jabolko |
apple |
2. |
bel |
white |
6. |
šest |
six |
3. |
oreh |
nut |
3. |
moder |
blue |
7. |
sedem |
seven |
4. |
sol |
salt |
4. |
zelen |
green |
8. |
osem |
eight |
5. |
poper |
pepper |
5. |
rumen |
yellow |
9. |
devet |
nine |
6. |
med |
honey |
6. |
rdeč |
red |
10. |
deset |
ten |
7. |
mleko |
milk |
11. |
enajst |
eleven |
8. |
maslo |
butter |
1. |
videti |
to see |
12. |
dvanajst |
twelve |
9. |
sir |
cheese |
2. |
slišati |
to hear |
13. |
trinajst |
thirteen |
10. |
voda |
water |
3. |
jesti |
to eat |
20. |
dvajset |
twenty |
11. |
vino |
wine |
4. |
piti |
to drink |
30. |
trideset |
thirty |
12. |
pivo |
beer |
5. |
peti |
to sing |
100. |
sto |
a hundred |
1. |
gora |
mountain |
1. |
ime |
name |
1. |
roka |
hand |
2. |
morje |
sea |
2. |
pisati |
to write |
2. |
noga |
foot |
3. |
jezero |
lake |
3. |
knjiga |
book |
3. |
srce |
heart |
4. |
reka |
river |
4. |
govoriti |
to speak |
4. |
kri |
blood |
5. |
star |
old |
5. |
dan |
day |
5. |
glava |
head |
6. |
nov |
new |
6. |
noč |
night |
6. |
oko |
eye |
7. |
ladja |
ship |
7. |
teden |
week |
7. |
uho |
ear |
8. |
vlak |
train |
8. |
mesec |
month |
8. |
zob |
tooth |
9. |
avtobus |
bus |
9. |
leto |
year |
9. |
las |
hair |
10. |
pristanišče |
harbour |
10. |
in |
and |
10. |
spati |
to sleep |
1. |
januar |
January |
7. |
julij |
July |
1. |
sonce |
sun |
2. |
februar |
February |
8. |
avgust |
August |
2. |
luna |
moon |
3. |
marec |
March |
9. |
september |
September |
3. |
zvezda |
star |
4. |
april |
April |
10. |
oktober |
October |
4. |
veter |
wind |
5. |
maj |
May |
11. |
november |
November |
5. |
dež |
rain |
6. |
junij |
June |
12. |
december |
December |
6. |
sneg |
snow |
7. |
led |
ice |
1. |
mrzel |
cold |
1. |
vroč |
hot |
8. |
ogenj |
fire |
Kajti tako je Bog ljubil svet, da je dal Sina svojega edinorojenega, da se ne pogubi, kdorkoli veruje vanj, temuč da ima večno življenje.
For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3,16
9. Oče naš, ki si v nebesih,
posvečeno bodi tvoje ime.
10. Pridi k nam tvoje kraljestvo,
zgodi se tvoja volja,
kakor v nebesih, tako na zemlji.
11. Daj nam danes naš vsakdanji kruh
12. in odpusti nam naše dolge,
kakor tudi mi odpuščamo svojim dolžnikom
13. in ne vpelji nas v skušnjavo,
temveč reši nas hudega.
9 Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
Matthew 6
Slovene is spoken in:
Nova Gorica
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