
Near Death Experiences

NDEs - Near Death Experiences

Until recently, when someone's heart stopped beating and they had stopped breathing and their brain activity had flatlined, they were pronounced dead. There was no coming back and no way of asking the departed person whether there really was an afterlife, as promised by most of the big religions.


The brain can survive without damage for at least 6 minutes after the heart has stopped beating. If modern resuscitation techniques are used during that time, it is possible to restart the heart and to restore breathing. The patient can return to a normal life.

When interviewed after the near death event, about 60% said they had experienced nothing at all during the time they were clinically dead. The remaining 40%, on the other hand, reported having had a near death experience. Of these, about 85% described a "good" experience, while the remaining 15% described a "bad" experience. The actual figure for "bad" experiences may in fact be significantly higher because people who had glimpsed horrible things were often very reluctant to talk about their NDE, or even say they'd had one.

During the NDE there was no sense of the experience becoming less vivid as the oxygen level in their brain went down. The reality of the experience stayed the same all the time. It was not perceived to be dream-like in any way, while people who had previously had experience of mind-altering drugs insisted that an NDE is totally unlike a drug-induced hallucination. Many emphasized that it had been as real as everyday life. Furthermore, unlike dreams, the memories of NDEs don't seem to fade with time.

People of various faiths (including atheists who believe, without proof, that there is no god) and agnostics (people who have not yet made their mind up about God) have experienced NDEs.

There seem to be two categories of NDEs, "good" ones and "bad" ones. Certain features occur in each type, some more often than others. The two summaries that follow are a composite of a lot of different accounts containing between them almost all of the main features. None of the reported near death experiences went though all the stages in the following two descriptions, but nevertheless what was experienced was very real and left an unforgettable impression.

A Good Near Death Experience
  • They are dying
    • It could be an accident, illness, old age, or other causes (sometimes including suicide)
    • They get a feeling of foreboding and thoughts of death keep coming into their head
    • Soon the foreboding turns to fear which effectively paralyzes them
    • They begin to feel very cold
    • They feel weaker and weaker

  • Suddenly everything around them starts getting dim and after a few seconds they are in darkness

  • Their heart stops beating and they stop breathing - they are fully aware that these things have happened
    • First they feel their fingers and toes turning numb
    • The numbness quickly spreads to their feet and hands and then their legs and arms
    • Then, as the numbness spreads into their body, any pain or discomfort ceases
    • Pain and fear are replaced by a feeling of peace, comfort and relief
    • They feel that all of life's burdens and worries have been lifted from their shoulders at last

  • Then they hear an annoying noise; a whistling, a buzzing, or small bells tinkling

  • After a short while the noise passes

  • They feel a surge of energy inside their body as their spirit, their soul, their inner self, is pulled up out of their physical body, as if by a powerful magnet
    • They say it feels a bit like removing a handkerchief from a pocket by pulling on one corner
    • They suddenly feel liberated
    • They feel as if they've taken off a worn out item of clothing as they leave their physical body behind

    The spirit leaving the body

  • The darkness passes and they are able to see and hear everything that is going on
    • They float a few feet above the scene and have an excellent view of the proceedings
    • They find floating to be a very relaxing sensation
    • They may try to talk to anyone there, but nobody can see or hear them
    • They are able to observe events, objects on top of cupboards and medical procedures, all of which would be impossible to see from where they are lying, often with their eyes shut
    • If they want to see what is happening elsewhere, in another room or at home, for example, to their astonishment they are able to be there for a short time, though nobody sees them

    • They find it slightly difficult to recognize their own lifeless body
    • They think "That can't be me because the real me is up here."

  • They take stock of their new situation
    • They realize that they actually are dead, but to their amazement they feel as alive as ever
    • They feel very surprised because they'd expected death to mean oblivion, or never ending sleep
    • They reflect that the death they'd feared for so long wasn't anything to worry about after all
    • They are able to think perfectly clearly
    • They are aware of having a "spiritual body" which has a sort of density, but no weight
    • A woman who had dyed her hair blonde noticed that on her spiritual body it had reverted to its natural brown
    • They are unable to touch anything in the material world, their hands passing through objects

  • They may become aware of departed friends, or deceased family members, standing at their level nearby
    • At this point, if they are a member of the Christian faith, they may be joined by a kind, helpful being who they realize is their guardian angel, someone to guide them through these unfamiliar surroundings
    • This angelic being calls them by their first name and treats them with great respect
    • The angel tells them there is no need to worry, because everything will be ok and they are in safe hands
    • For some the angel is male and for others she is female

  • A loud swishing sound starts and they find themselves moving rapidly along a very dark tunnel which has just opened up near them, sloping upwards
    • The blackness of the tunnel is intense at first
    • They feel sure that despite moving at high speed there is no danger of touching the sides
    • They have no fear because they feel totally safe
    • They become aware that there are other people, and even some animals, pets perhaps, making the same journey
    • A pinpoint of light in the distance becomes brighter and brighter, larger and larger and they realize they are approaching the end of the tunnel
    • The noise fades away as they slow down

    The end of the tunnel

  • When they leave the tunnel they find themselves in another realm of existance. They are greeted by an amazing person surrounded by an aura of immensely bright yellowish-white light which doesn't hurt their eyes. They hear wonderful music in the distance.
    • As soon as they come into His presence He smiles and makes them feel welcome
    • They describe Him as a fun-loving person with a great sense of humour, reassuring and very considerate
    • They say He has a short beard, is in His 30s and wears a white robe
    • Christians are sure that He is Jesus, who they already know as "The Light of the World". To some Christians He actually says "I am Jesus."
    • Jewish people say they see an angel
    • People of no faith describe Him as a "Being of Light" because light seems to emanate from Him
    • Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists meet Him too and assume He is a holy figure from their religion

      The Being of Light?

    • He welcomes them with a hug and they feel sure He loves them unconditionally
    • They feel He fully accepts them just as they are
    • Amputees are even more overjoyed because in this place they find that their limbs are normal again, people who need glasses are aware that their eyesight is perfect and blind people are astonished because they are now able to see

  • They sit down together and in His presence they see flashbacks of the important events of their life
    • They are asked "I gave you the precious gift of life. What did you do with this gift?"

    • They watch their own life as an onlooker, in the way other people would have seen them
    • The review is rather like watching scenes on a cinema screen, but in full 3-D
    • Each scene is exactly how it happened, though this time they are able to see things they hadn't been able to see before
    • They see how their actions affected the people around them
    • They are shown all the happiness they brought to people and also all the hurt they caused
    • They see how their actions set off trains of events, good and bad, in other people's lives

    • They feel they are in the presence of someone with total understanding and unlimited love
    • They feel that they are loved and appreciated
    • They are aware that He knows all their faults and strengths in advance, but during the review it doesn't matter
    • He makes comments and asks them why they did certain things, but He doesn't criticize

    • They are shown all the episodes in their life to be proud of and those to be ashamed of
    • The process seems timeless - there are a large number of events, but there seems to be enough time to review each one without hurrying
    • Many of the early events had been long forgotten until now
    • Time has a different meaning in this place. Although thousands of people are dying all the time world-wide, each death is unique and is treated as such.
    • They find the life review a very humbling experience
    • Their life from early childhood right up to the moment of their death is covered

  • When the life review is over they feel it is the right time to ask questions of their own
    • They begin to ask questions about things that have bothered them for many years, questions that ordinary people had struggled to answer for them

      Why could this be allowed to happen??

      Where is the justice in poverty??

    • The questions are answered clearly and with kindness. Amazingly, everything now makes total sense.
    • Suddenly they see life from a new perspective - they see the bigger picture and things which had seemed contradictory suddenly fall into place
    • Here knowledge and attitudes are considered very important while a person's image and looks count for nothing

  • A mist comes down for a short while and when it clears they are in a different place. They are in the countryside in a meadow with mountains not far away.

  • They approach a barrier of some kind, which varies from person to person
    • Some people see a river in front of them with a boat to take them across, some see a gate and while others see a door in a wall
    • Others see a stream with a small wooden footbridge
    • The scenery is described as beautiful and the colours as exquisite
    • They have the feeling that everything appears sharper and the colours are clearer than in the earthly world
    • It is gloriously sunny, but it is not obvious where the light is coming from because there is no sun in the sky

    • At this point they may be asked if they want to return to their earthly bodies, or whether they want to be taken across the barrier
    • They may be reminded that their family needs them to return
    • This is where those who return to this world and describe what happened in their near death experience have to make the biggest decision of their lives
    • Most are told that if they decide to go on, there will be no turning back.
    • A few people who have NDEs are allowed to cross the barrier for a short time before returning to describe what they saw

      A barrier
  • As they gaze beyond the barrier they see a whole new world awaiting
    • In one direction they see countryside, with grass, flowers and trees, streams and mountains and a distant forest
    • The air is wonderfully clear, with not a hint of pollution
    • They may see their grandparents, relations and friends who had passed on
    • They may see someone they knew who had suffered from mental illness and had died, but here they are absolutely fine, enjoying life to the full

    • One man was greeted with great warmth by lovely woman he didn't recognize. After his NDE was over he told his father about her, who then showed him photos he'd never seen before. They were of his mother who had died when he was two years old. He immediately recognized her!
    • Some time after being resuscitated a young boy was looking at some of his father's old photos. He suddenly pointed to one picture, which was unlabeled, and told his parents that he'd seen that man in heaven. It was a photo of his late grandfather as a young man. His only memories of his grandad had been of him as an old man.

    • They see that the blemishes, disfigurements and disabilities in the people they knew are now gone
    • People who once had problems with their teeth now have perfect teeth
    • There is no wrinkly skin
    • All the adults seem to be in their prime of life

    • They may see people on the grass playing games, men and women apparently playing innocently together
    • They may be invited to come and join in the games
    • They also see children playing further along, though whether they had been born there or had arrived there as children, it is impossible to tell
    • They get a warm welcome from everyone they meet and everyone knows the name of this new arrival!
    • They notice that among the smiling faces are people who in the past had helped them spiritually in however small a way, whether a parent, teacher, minister, or friend

    • Some people see horses in the distance

    • In another direction they see a beautiful city. It has tall, bright, gleaming buildings. There are fountains and there is the sound of gorgeous music.


    • They see happy people, some walking along and some standing in groups
    • They see a huge crystal cathedral
    • This isn't the only city - other cities can be seen in the distance

  • At this point the Being of Light leaves them

  • Some people who have near death experiences cross the barrier and are granted a brief glimpse of another life, before having to return to their bodies back here in the earthly world
    • Beyond the barrier they are accompanied by two guides that some people think are angels
    • Sometimes they are also accompanied by a beloved pet from the past, such as cat or a dog
    • Occasionally they are met by a sibling that they hadn't previously known about who explains that they had been either stillborn, miscarried, or aborted. On returning to their earthly lives they find that they had indeed got another brother or sister that they hadn't been told about.

    • In the meadow on the other side of the barrier they may meet people they'd known in the past and, after a lot of hugging and laughter, they go for a stroll across the grass together
    • They see people on the other side of the barrier dressed in light-coloured clothes, some of them shiny and lustrous, but unlike anything they'd ever seen before
    • Some people are walking along and some of those look busy
    • There are plenty of seats and benches and some of the people are sitting chatting happily together while others prefer to sit on the grass
    • The people there are aware of events taking place on earth
    • Everyone seems to be enjoying their life
    • They are told by their guides that people work at what they're good at, doing things they enjoy doing
    • They may be taken into a lovely garden which has splendid views of the surrounding countryside


    • The colours seem clearer, brighter and more vivid than in their earthly setting
    • Some of the flowers are in vivid colours they'd never even seen before

      Earthly yellow flowers

      Colours are more vivid here

    • There are butterflies and there are birds singing
    • All the sounds are incredibly clear, even for someone usually hard of hearing
    • A river of sparkling crystal clear water flows through the garden and there is a waterfall
    • It is like a warm summer day, comfortable, but not too hot


    • They are overwhelmed by how peaceful everything is here

A Bad Near Death Experience
  • They are dying
    • It could be suicide, an accident, illness, old age, or other causes

  • Their heart stops beating and they stop breathing
    • Suddenly any pain or discomfort ceases
    • Pain and fear are replaced by a feeling of comfort and security
    • They feel puzzled because they think that by now they should be in oblivion, but instead they are as alert as ever
    • They wonder if they are dreaming, but quickly reject that notion because everything is 100% real

  • They hear an annoying noise; a hum that grows louder and louder until it becomes a whine

  • After a short while the noise passes

  • Suddenly they feel that they are being pulled out of their body against their will. They resist and they feel themseves being stretched as if they were elastic. A terrifying emotional struggle ensues. They try to resist the force, but it is useless.

  • They find that they are out of their body

  • Although they can see their lifeless body below them, they are aware that they still possess a "spiritual" body of some kind, but they are too interested in what is happening to think about that
    • They may have difficulty in recognizing the motionless body stretched out beneath them
    • They panic and yell at anyone close by, but no-one can see or hear them
    • Being ignored frustrates them and they yell louder, but to no avail
    • Fear comes over them and they ask "What is happening to me?" There is no response.
    • They are now aware that they are dead
    • Their personality is unchanged

  • They are sucked down a dark tunnel
    • Some people say that instead of a tunnel, they feel they are being pulled down into a spinning whirlpool. As with "good" experiences, what takes place in a "bad" experience differs in detail from person to person.



    • As they pass at high speed down through the tunnel or whirlpool they feel terrified
    • They feel a force pulling them somewhere they don't want to go
    • They feel they are going down into a deep pit, or a well
    • The further they go the blacker it becomes
    • In the distance they see a pinpoint of light which gets larger and larger as they approach it

  • They are pushed out of the lower end of the tunnel with great force and speed

  • As soon as they come out into the light it dims

  • There is an unpleasant smell in the air

  • They feel exhausted

  • They start to feel very anxious and apprehensive

  • Some people find themselves to be in a dungeon, while others realize they are in a huge cave

  • They are dragged through an open door in a corner of this miserable place

  • They see the significant events of their lives shown to them, event by event
    • They feel that all their memories are being sucked out of their brain and displayed
    • They watch their own lives as an onlooker, the way other people would have seen them

  • They become aware that someone powerful is on the other side of the open door, reviewing their life, event by event, good and bad

  • The life review comes up to date and stops abruptly

  • As the last life event vanishes from sight the door slams shut behind them and they are plunged into total darkness

    After the life review finishes

  • The initial feelings of warmth, comfort and security have gone

  • They frantically ask "Where am I?" Although they can't see any flames, they soon come to the opinion that they are in hell.

  • They look around, but it is pitch blackness in all directions. They can hear a continuous roaring noise.

  • Very gradually they become aware that they are not alone

  • As their eyes adjust they begin to make out the shapes of a few other people

    Other people

  • They form the opinion that the other people in the darkness are also new arrivals

  • A voice whispers in their ear "Over there are the suicides." IMPORTANT NOTE: Some people who attempt suicide and then have an NDE have a "good" experience. Everybody's life and circumstances are unique.

  • They see that the others are dressed in everyday clothes, though the clothes are all coloured black - black T-shirt, black jeans, black shoes, etc.

  • They look at the faces of the others and notice they are expressionless

  • They try to communicate, but quickly realize it is futile because all of them are only interested in themselves

  • They look around and see men, women and teenagers, but no children

  • The sudden realization "This is what death is" hits them
    • They feel furious with the churches that had talked cheerfully about heaven, but had never discussed the possibility of hell in case it would upset people. They wish they had been warned so that they could have turned their life around while there was still time.

  • Suddenly they are whisked away from the new arrivals

  • They find themselves in another dark place, on a slightly raised view point, where they can look down on a vast crowd of people in front of them
    • They notice a sort of heavy mist swirling around on the floor at their feet
    • They start to shiver because this place is damp and cold
    • They hear the continuous droning of the people mumbling to themselves, but making no attempt to talk to each other
    • Some of the people are weeping and wailing
    • They find that in the gloom ethnic differences are impossible to distinguish
    • Sometimes people would suddenly reach up from the crowd to try and grab them, to try to pull them down

  • Eventually they have to join the throng
    • They are in a state of panic, but they calm down eventually
    • Sometimes they may recognize faces in the crowd, and there is brief mutual recognition, but then there is no further response, just a blank stare of apathy
    • In the crowd they see many historical figures
    • They hear people all round them moaning
    • Any ideas they might once have had of meeting their friends in hell and partying through all eternity seem stupid and empty now

  • They realize that their own personality is intact - their body may have died, but their spirit hasn't
    • They see that everyone else here is wearing grimy white robes, though some are more soiled than others
    • They themselves are still wearing their own clothes

  • They become very, very aware that in this place there is nothing to interest them, no entertainment of any kind and nobody who would talk to them
    • They are utterly shocked to think that a future of endless boredom stretches ahead of them
    • They feel a dreadful sense of utter loneliness
    • They feel that they have come to a place where there is no privacy, no friendship and no sunlight. They feel devastated.
    • They desperately want to leave this dreadful place, but can't think how to

  • The next shock is when they find that in addition to the "lost souls" wandering aimlessly around in the gloom, there are also nasty, vicious beings that in the distant past had once been human. Perhaps many centuries of depravity in this dark, lawless place had reduced them to the sadistic, hateful partially-human creatures they'd now become.
    • They are on constant look out for these malevolent creatures which randomly lunge out of the darkness to bite at them with their long teeth and slash at them with overgrown finger nails.
    • They feel they are in a place where total evil reigns

      Malevolent creature of darkness

    • These horrible creatures enjoy biting pieces of flesh off their victims, but although it is excruciatingly painful, no permanent harm seems to result
    • These evil beings seem to roam around in the gloom in groups
    • Whenever a group of them comes close, the darkness becomes filled with the noise of these heartless beings yelling, jeering and laughing as they attack the wandering souls.
    • Eventually the tormentors lose interest and move off into the darkness again.
    • Some near death experiencers refer to these creatures as "demons"

  • At this point, if they are lucky enough to have suffered a recoverable near death event, an angry, frustrated voice demands "Is this what you want?" If they say no, they are returned to their earthly body a changed person, but very reluctant to talk about what they saw. Others manage to return to their earthly bodies after praying frantically for a second chance. These people often haven't prayed for years. Fortunately people of all religions know how to pray, especially in a time of crisis!

  • There seems to be an implication that even if they are not having a near death experience, but their death is permanent, they are given one final opportunity to show remorse and to turn to God for forgiveness. They are then punished in that place in proportion to what sins they committed during their lifetime. After that, it seems possible that they are returned to the Light to receive forgiveness and enter heaven as a cleansed soul, though this is far from certain.

  • They seem to be in a place of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who have repented and who are paying for their sins before going to heaven. I'm not Roman Catholic myself, but I must say that this seems very close to the Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory.

  • If they are defiant and show no remorse, we have no way of knowing what would happen next. Death events are permanent.

  • The only description I have been able to find of a near death experience by a terrorist multiple murderer was, not surprisingly, very "bad". For every innocent victim they had killed, they were forced to suffer exactly the same ordeal themselves, including the actual murders they had inflicted.

  • Some experiencers see a pair of gates (the gates of hell?) in front of them and catch a glimpse of a burning lake of fire with huge orange flames. Could this be where unrepentant souls eventually perish?

    Lake of fire

    The destination of unrepentant souls?

  • At least 15% of NDEs are described as "bad"

  • Apparently very few people remain atheist or agnostic after having a near death experience. I wonder why.

  • The thing that the people who returned from hell have in common is that although they were mostly unbelievers, they all cried out to Jesus or to God to rescue them. If at the end of your life you find yourself in hell, try praying. All the same, it's far, far better to avoid going there in the first place. Turn to Jesus in this life, not in the next!!

    Jesus said, "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
    so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

    John 3,16

NDEs - Real or Imagined?

You can take the many reports of near death experiences at face value, or you can dismiss them for a number of reasons, including:
  • It's all a hoax

    Against this idea:
    • the accounts of thousands of people from many backgrounds. Those who had a full experience report only two types, the "good" and the "bad".
    • Children also have NDEs fairly similar to those of adults, but only "good" ones
    • Although I personally haven't had a near death experience, during my life I've known two friends who have. They are trustworthy and have absolutely nothing to gain from such a hoax so I believe them.

  • It's occult and shouldn't even be investigated

    Against this idea:
    • If NDEs are the work of the devil, wouldn't we expect them to put people off religion and not attract them to it, as often happens?
    • Why would the devil manufacture "bad" experiences if he wanted people to think that everybody will go to heaven, regardless of what sort of person they are?
    • People choose to indulge in the occult, but near death experiences can happen to anybody at the most unexpected times. They are not a matter of choosing.
    • If NDEs are of satanic origin, why do so many people who have had them suddenly become a lot more caring and unselfish, not just for a short time, but as a reformed personality?

  • It's unscientific

    This is true. Science, by definition, limits itself to the material world. It has no competence in spiritual matters. Scientists are trained from the start to focus completely on the physical materials and processes that they can observe and measure. That's why there are no science books on art, fiction, music, poetry, philosophy, or religion.

    Science and religion on their own each give
    only part of the story. Together they give
    us the full story!

    The ability to be spiritual is one of the things that separates human beings from animals, but because spirituality can't be measured, it's not scientific. That's why many scientists reject spiritual concepts completely, though others, like me, think there's room in life for both material and spiritual matters.

  • There is a medical explanation for NDEs

    In strictly medical terms it would be wrong to say anyone has a soul. What we might consider to be our personality, our spirit, our soul, could be thought of as a collection of billions of chemical reactions and electrical impulses inside our brains. But do you really think that is the whole truth?

    Medical science has not explained:
    • The out of body phenomena which often accompany an NDE. How could a flatlining patient be able to see a key conveniently hidden on the top of a tall cabinet, or later be able to quote, word for word, the whispered conversations of anxious relatives in an adjacent room?

    • Blind people who have had near death experiences have said that for the duration of the experience they were able to see. This includes reports from people who had been blind all their lives.

    • The theory that a brain being deprived of oxygen would account for a near death experience doesn't agree with the facts. Oxygen deprivation causes anger, confusion and horrible hallucinations, not a feeling of love and calmness and being reunited with loved-ones.

    • Painful and stressful situations can result in the release of the calming, pain-relieving chemical, β-endorphin within the brain. There is speculation that this could account for the highly detailed and very stimulating near death experiences described. However, injections of β-endorphin in volunteers suffering chronic pain resulted in increased drowsiness, not hightened awareness and pain relief which faded gradually, not instantly as when an NDE is over. The results were also unable to explain the differences between "good" and "bad" NDEs.

    • There is a theory that life-threatening events cause the individual to be comforted by manufacturing a vision of "heaven" in their mind. The reports of "bad" NDEs cast doubt on this theory - what comfort could be gained from being terrified? Some patients on being resuscitated scream at the medical staff words like, "Help me! Help me! Don't stop! Don't let me go back there!"

    • It is said by some that the heavenly sights and events described by people who have experienced them are simply the result of a malfunctioning brain. Does a malfunctioning car or a malfunctioning television usually produce sustained and unforgettable beauty? A "good" near death experience does, so is it likely that a near death experience is some kind of malfunction?

  • Prior knowledge

    People have said that because descriptions of near death experiences have been widely reported, some or many of the people who have claimed to have had an NDE are attention-seekers, using their knowledge of the phenomenon to make a name for themselves.

    • The first non-specialist book on the subject of near death experiences was Dr Raymond Moody's Life After Life in 1975. It is possible that following the popularity of that book and the many others that followed, some of the accounts may have been influenced by what they had heard or read.
    • How can the many similarities found between different accounts of NDEs taking place before 1975 be explained? None of the survivors of the near-fatal events would have known that near death experiences even happened, let alone be able to describe what took place in vivid detail.
    • Children have close brushes with death too. Their accounts are unlikely to have been influenced by what they had read or heard. Their descriptions are similar to those of the adults, except they don't seem to have "bad" experiences.

  • It's unchristian

    Some Christians dismiss reports of near death experiences for the following reasons:

    • Near death experiences are not in the Bible

      This is not true. In the New Testament Saint Paul writes:

      2. I was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago. Whether I was
      in my body or out of my body, I don’t know - only God knows. 3. Yes, only
      God knows whether I was in my body or outside my body. But I do know
      4. that I was caught up to paradise and heard things so astounding that
      they cannot be expressed in words.

      2 Corinthians 12,2-4
      The paradise that Paul referred to in verse 4 is the same place that Jesus
      promised the man on the cross next to Him would go to when he
      became a believer just before he died.

      43. Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
      Luke 23,43
      This shows that death is not "endless sleep" as some people imagine!

    • People from non-Christian faiths, and sometimes people of no faith, report having "good" NDEs and some Christians find this fact deeply disturbing. They justify their idea of heaven as being exclusive to Christians by quoting:

      Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
      John 14,6

      It would seem that people of all faiths, and none, people having "good" NDEs or "bad", all encounter the "Being of Light" in some way. If this is in fact Jesus Christ, and the Christian experiencers are convinced that it is, then nobody gets to heaven without Jesus' invitation and so the Bible verse is shown to be true.

      Another verse tells us that after death we are judged.

      Each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment.
      Hebrews 9,27

      On the Judgment Day you will have to give account of every useless word
      you have ever spoken. Your words will be used to judge you - to declare
      you either innocent or guilty.

      Matthew 12,36-37

      A lifetime of words would give a good indication of what type of person you
      are at heart. You might be mostly kind and caring but get cross when
      provoked, or you may be utterly selfish and constantly seething with
      anger against other people. Your words would show which.

      Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.
      Romans 14,12

      If the life review in the presence of the "Being of Light" corresponds to the judgment spoken of in the Hebrews verse, then there is no problem. Everyone, of whatever faith, or no faith, at their death meets Jesus, whether they recognise Him or not and are judged fairly and with understanding. The ones who are His followers are automatically saved. They will proceed to everlasting life and the review is just a formality.

      *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

      Some Christians teach that all non-believers go straight to hell when they die, but how can this be true? A God of justice wouldn't condemn everyone who appeared before Him to hell. He would surely judge each person on their merits and on their attitudes.

      What we don't know is how severe, or relaxed, He is about crime, cruelty, corruption, child abuse, or a total lack of remorse for a lifetime of being horrible to other people. People sometimes ask how a loving God could send evil people to hell to receive the exact punishment they deserve, but remember, God is on the side of the victims, not the perpetrators.

      *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

      Some people are resuscitated after they had a terrible near death experience. They were the ones lucky enough to come back! Others say that their experience was wonderful and they'd lost all fear of death. Personally, I'm a believer so I'm confident that Jesus will forgive my sins (and there are quite a lot, I'm ashamed to say), but that doesn't mean I don't have to keep on trying to improve, day by day, and, where possible, trying to make up for the things I've done wrong.

      Based on how they behaved towards their fellow human beings and whether they obeyed their consciences, He will decide their futures. If the life reviews in NDEs are a reflection of this, then the reason for the "good" and "bad" experiences becomes clear. Some people are well-suited for heaven while others would sulk and try to cause trouble.

      *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

      Many churches and denominations are exclusive, believing that their own version of Christianity is the only one that is true. In their minds, if you are not a signed-up member of their church you are automatically excluded from heaven.

      It's true that Jesus said that the only sure way to get to heaven is to become a follower of His and to do your best to live up to His standards of behaviour. In that way Jesus takes your sins on Himself and you are then eligible for heaven, which is a place without sin.

      Jesus said, "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
      so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

      John 3,16
      Notice that He said that God loves the world, not just parts of it.

      On the other hand both Jesus and Saint Paul said there are other ways for people in different circumstances to be welcomed to heaven.

      32. He will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates
      the sheep from the goats. 33. He will put the sheep on his right and the
      goats on his left.

      34. Then the king will say to those on his right, "My father has blessed you!
      Come and receive the kingdom that was prepared for you before the world
      was created. 35. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you
      gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.
      36. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me,
      I was in prison and you came to visit me."

      37. Then the righteous will answer him, "Lord, when did we see you hungry
      and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38. When did we
      see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?
      39. When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?"

      40. And the King will say, "I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the
      least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!"

      Matthew 25,32-40
      Jesus said that He considers acts of charity towards our fellow human beings as
      personal to Him and for this reason He welcomes charitable people to His
      Kingdom, heaven.

      Jesus, with the full approval of His father, God, has the final say as to who would be ideal for heaven. People here on earth should not attempt to make that kind of judgment. Only Jesus knows our full circumstances, whether we're truly sorry for when we've hurt people and whether we think of Him as our enemy or our friend.

      Jesus addressed the following statements to people who weren't necessarily Christians, but who might nevertheless go to heaven:-

      Jesus said, "Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy."
      Matthew 5,7
      If we're merciful, when our lives are judged, we'll be treated mercifully

      Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."
      Matthew 5,8
      You have to be in heaven to be able to see God so here's
      another category of people who could be saved

      Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will
      be called children of God."

      Matthew 5,9
      Obviously it's safer to be a peacemaker than a troublemaker
      especially if you enjoy making trouble for innocent Christians

      Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for doing right,
      for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs."

      Matthew 5,10
      The trials of this life are temporary, but heaven is forever

      Jesus said, "11. Blessed are you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. 12. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven."
      Matthew 5,11-12
      Any good deeds we do and any bad things we are subjected to in this life are noted by Jesus and taken into account when we are judged

      1. Jesus said, "Don't judge others, and God won't judge you, 2. for God will judge you in the same way you judge others, and he will apply to you the same rules you apply to others."
      Matthew 7,1-2
      If you're in the habit of judging people impatiently, remember
      that one day it'll be your turn to be judged!

      Jesus said, "If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your Father in heaven will forgive you the wrongs you do to others."
      Matthew 6,14
      God is always looking for ways to forgive us for the bad things we do

      There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Jesus.
      John 3,18
      On the Cross Jesus took any punishment we deserve, so we'll
      enter heaven, when our time comes, with our slate wiped clean

      And then there's the question of the people who have never heard of Jesus. Are they automatically shut out of heaven forever? Many churches would say so, but Saint Paul addresses the issue in the New Testament:

      14. For when Gentiles [i.e. people of a different religion], who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness.
      Romans 2,14-15
      In other words, Jesus considers that if you never had a chance to be a Christian, if you behave as a Christian should, as far He is concerned, you are a Christian.

      Very important
      Jesus said, "32. Those who declare publicly that they belong to me, I will do the same for them before my Father in heaven, 33. but whoever denies me here on earth before others, I will also deny him before my Father in heaven."
      Matthew 10,33
      If you believe in God and in the the Christian message, don't keep it to yourself -
      for goodness' sake tell somebody ! By going public you'll be counted
      as a Christian and you'll be saved.
      It's as simple as that.

      On the other hand, as for the people who like to wreck Christianity for others
      and cause believers to lose their faith - logically why would Jesus welcome
      them into a heaven that they didn't think existed?

      "Throw that worthless servant into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
      Matthew 6,14
      People who have "bad" near death experiences talk about being in a place of darkness. Could it be the same place as the "outer darkness" referred to in the Bible?

      Focus your eyes on Jesus, learn more about Him and become a Believer. Then you can all

      rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
      Luke 10,20

Reading List

  1. Life After Life Raymond A. Moody Jr, M.D.

  2. Reflections On Life After Life Raymond A. Moody Jr, M.D.

  3. The Light Beyond Raymond A. Moody Jr, M.D.

  4. Embraced by the Light Betty J. Eadie

  5. Beyond the Darkness - My Near-Death Journey to the Edge of Hell and Back Angie Fenimore

  6. Beyond And Back Ralph Wilkerson

  7. Recollections of Death Michael B. Sabom, M.D.

  8. My Descent into Death Howard Storm

  9. Science and the Near-Death Experience Chris Carter

  10. Before Death Comes ... Dr Maurice Rawlings

  11. Beyond Death's Door ... Dr Maurice Rawlings

  12. Heaven is for Real Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent

  13. The Day I Died Tammy Cohen

  14. Beyond the Light P.M.H. Atwater

  15. The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences P.M.H. Atwater

  16. Near-Death Experiences - The Rest of the Story P.M.H. Atwater

  17. Death's Door Jean Ritchie

  18. God and the Afterlife Jeffrey Long, M.D. with Paul Perry

  19. Evidence of the Afterlife Jeffrey Long, M.D. with Paul Perry

  20. Saved by the Light Dannion Brinkley with Paul Perry

  21. 90 Minutes in Heaven Don Piper with Cecil Murphey

  22. The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences Dr Penny Sartori

  23. To Heaven and Back Mary C. Neal, M.D.

  24. Is There Life After Death? John Weldon and Zola Levitt

  25. Beyond The Final Frontier Dr Richard Kent with David Waite