Catalan - català
At the end of the Roman Empire the Vulgar (colloquial) Latin dialect spoken at the eastern end of the Pyrenees started to develop into Catalan and Valencian in the south and Occitan and Provençal in the north. Over the centuries Catalan and Occitan have remained very similar. Catalan and Provençal were major European languages during the Middle Ages. Both produced some great Medieval literature, especially prose in Catalan and poetry in Provençal. From about 1500 onwards, though, both languages were in decline. The lowest point for Catalan was the period of 1939 to 1975, when Spain banned the use of Catalan in local government and education in Catalonia. Since 1975 it has been recovering its status as an important European language.
1. |
germà |
brother |
1. |
sí |
yes |
1. |
Quant val això? |
How much is that? |
2. |
germana |
sister |
2. |
no |
no |
2. |
On puc pagar? |
Where do I pay? |
3. |
fill |
son |
3. |
si us plau |
please |
3. |
Entendre |
To understand |
4. |
filla |
daughter |
4. |
gràcies |
thank you |
4. |
Entenc |
I understand |
5. |
pare |
father |
5. |
No ho entenc |
I don’t understand |
6. |
mare |
mother |
1. |
diumenge |
Sunday |
6. |
Sé |
I know |
2. |
dilluns |
Monday |
7. |
No ho sé |
I don’t know |
1. |
primavera |
spring |
3. |
dimarts |
Tuesday |
2. |
estiu |
summer |
4. |
dimecres |
Wednesday |
1. |
(jo) sóc |
I am |
3. |
tardor |
autumn |
5. |
dijous |
Thursday |
2. |
(tu) ets |
you are (informal) |
4. |
hivern |
winter |
6. |
divendres |
Friday |
(vostè) és |
you are (formal) |
7. |
dissabte |
Saturday |
3. |
(ell) és |
he is |
1. |
cavall |
horse |
(ella) és |
she is |
2. |
gos |
dog |
1. |
ciutat |
town |
3. |
gat |
cat |
2. |
poble |
village |
1. |
(nosaltres) som |
we are |
4. |
vaca |
cow |
3. |
carrer |
street |
2. |
(vostès) són |
you are (plural) |
5. |
toro |
bull |
4. |
plaça |
square |
6. |
porc |
pig |
5. |
pont |
bridge |
3. |
(ells) són |
they are (msc.) |
7. |
ovella |
sheep |
6. |
casa |
house |
(elles) són |
they are (fem.) |
8. |
llop |
wolf |
7. |
jardí |
garden |
9. |
ratolí |
mouse |
8. |
església |
church |
10. |
ocell |
bird |
9. |
escola |
school |
1. |
un, una |
one (msc., fem.) |
11. |
oca |
goose |
10. |
estació |
station |
2. |
dos, dues |
two (msc., fem.) |
12. |
peix |
fish |
3. |
tres |
three |
4. |
quatre |
four |
1. |
pa |
bread |
1. |
negre |
black |
5. |
cinc |
five |
2. |
poma |
apple |
2. |
blanc |
white |
6. |
sis |
six |
3. |
nou |
nut |
3. |
blau |
blue |
7. |
set |
seven |
4. |
sal |
salt |
4. |
verd |
green |
8. |
vuit |
eight |
5. |
pebre |
pepper |
5. |
groc |
yellow |
9. |
nou |
nine |
6. |
mel |
honey |
6. |
vermell |
red |
10. |
deu |
ten |
7. |
llet |
milk |
11. |
onze |
eleven |
8. |
mantega |
butter |
1. |
veure |
to see |
12. |
dotze |
twelve |
9. |
formatge |
cheese |
2. |
sentir |
to hear |
13. |
tretze |
thirteen |
10. |
aigua |
water |
3. |
menjar |
to eat |
20. |
vint |
twenty |
11. |
vi |
wine |
4. |
beure |
to drink |
30. |
trenta |
thirty |
12. |
cervesa |
beer |
5. |
cantar |
to sing |
100. |
cent |
a hundred |
1. |
muntanya |
mountain |
1. |
nom |
name |
1. |
mà |
hand |
2. |
mar |
sea |
2. |
escriure |
to write |
2. |
peu |
foot |
3. |
llac |
lake |
3. |
llibre |
book |
3. |
cor |
heart |
4. |
riu |
river |
4. |
parlar |
to speak |
4. |
sang |
blood |
5. |
vell |
old |
5. |
dia |
day |
5. |
cap |
head |
6. |
nou |
new |
6. |
nit |
night |
6. |
ull |
eye |
7. |
nau |
ship |
7. |
setmana |
week |
7. |
orella |
ear |
8. |
tren |
train |
8. |
mes |
month |
8. |
dent |
tooth |
9. |
autobús |
bus |
9. |
any |
year |
9. |
cabells |
hair |
10. |
port |
harbour |
10. |
i |
and |
10. |
dormir |
to sleep |
1. |
gener |
January |
7. |
juliol |
July |
1. |
sol |
sun |
2. |
febrer |
February |
8. |
agost |
August |
2. |
lluna |
moon |
3. |
març |
March |
9. |
setembre |
September |
3. |
estrella |
star |
4. |
abril |
April |
10. |
octubre |
October |
4. |
vent |
wind |
5. |
maig |
May |
11. |
novembre |
November |
5. |
pluja |
rain |
6. |
juny |
June |
12. |
desembre |
December |
6. |
neu |
snow |
7. |
gel |
ice |
1. |
fred |
cold |
1. |
calent |
hot |
8. |
foc |
fire |
Car talment ha estimat Déu el món, que donà son Fill unigènit, a fi que tot el qui creu en ell no es perdi, ans tingui vida eterna.
For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3,16
9 Pare nostre que estau en lo cel, sia santificat lo vostre nom.
10 Vinga lo vostre regne: fassas la vostra voluntat, axí en la terra com en lo cel.
11 Lo nostre pá de cada dia, donáunoslo avuy.
12 Y perdonau nostres deutes, axí com nosaltres perdonam á nostres deutors.
13 Y no permetau que nosaltres caigam en la tentació: ans deslliuraunos de mal.
9 Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
Matthew 6
Catalan is spoken in:
Perpinyà - Perpignan
Andorra la Vella - Andorra la Vieja - Andorre la Vieille
Girona - Gerona
Sant Antoni de Calonge - San Antonio de Calonge
Sant Feliu de Guixols - San Feliu de Guixols
Lleida - Lérida
Eivissa - Ibiza
L’Alguer - Alghero
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Christianity in a Nutshell
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