Valencian - valencià
The language of Valencia is Valencian and the language of Catalonia is Catalan. Each has its own pronunciation, grammatical features and vocabulary, but the differences are fairly small. Differences include vindre Valencian (to come), venir Catalan; carlota Val. (carrot), pastanaga Cat.; arena Val. (sand), sorra Cat.; vesprada Val. (afternoon), tarda Cat.
1. |
germà |
brother |
1. |
sí |
yes |
1. |
Quant costa això? |
How much is that? |
2. |
germana |
sister |
2. |
no |
no |
2. |
On he de pagar? |
Where do I pay? |
3. |
fill |
son |
3. |
per favor |
please |
3. |
Entendre |
To understand |
4. |
filla |
daughter |
4. |
gràcies |
thank you |
4. |
Entenc |
I understand |
5. |
pare |
father |
5. |
No ho entenc |
I don’t understand |
6. |
mare |
mother |
1. |
diumenge |
Sunday |
6. |
Sé |
I know |
2. |
dilluns |
Monday |
7. |
No ho sé |
I don’t know |
1. |
primavera |
spring |
3. |
dimarts |
Tuesday |
2. |
estiu |
summer |
4. |
dimecres |
Wednesday |
1. |
(jo) sóc |
I am |
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