Yiddish - yidisch

Yiddish is a Germanic language written from right to left in the Hebrew alphabet. From about the 11th century Middle High German developed in two different directions, into Modern German in the Christian community and into Yiddish in the Jewish community.

1. bruder    brother        1. ye    yes        1. Vi teier is dos?    How much is that?
2. schvester    sister        2. nein    no        2. Vu darf ich tsohlen?    Where do I pay?
3. suhn    son        3. seit asoi gut    please        3. Farschteien    To understand
4. tochter    daughter        4. a dank    thank you        4. Ich farschtei    I understand
5. foter    father                  5. Ich farschtei nischt    I don’t understand
6. muter    mother        1. suntog    Sunday        6. Ich veis    I know
          2. montog    Monday        7. Ich veis nischt    I don’t know
1. frihling    spring        3. diensttog    Tuesday          
2. sumer    summer        4. mitvoch    Wednesday        1. ich bin    I am
3. herpst    autumn        5. donnerschtog    Thursday        2. du bist    you are (informal)
4. vinter    winter        6. freitog    Friday        ir seit    you are (formal)
          7. schabbes    Saturday        3. er is    he is

9. Undser foter, vos bist in himel: geheilikt sol vern dein nomen. 10. Sol kumen dein malches. Sol dein rotsen geton vern oif der erd, asoi vi in himel. 11. Gib unds heint undser teglech broit. 12. Un sei unds moichel undsere schuldikeiten, vi mir senen oich moichel undsere bale-choives. 13. Un breng unds nit tsu kein nisoien, neiert sei unds matsil fun dem schlechten.

9 Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6

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