Traditional Dialect of Oxfordshire

Perhaps it is not a coincidence that two of the English dialects which were closest to Standard English were those of Oxford and Cambridge. Many influential businessmen and politicians received their university education in one of those two cities before moving to London. There, and all around Britain, they made frequent speeches heard by thousands of people and their style of speaking helped make the standard.

1. brudhdher    brother        1.           1.   
2. sister    sister        2.           2.   
3. sunn    son        3.           3.   
4. daw-ter    daughter        4.           4.   
5. fahdher    father                  5.   
6. mudhdher    mother        1. Sunndy    Sunday        6.   
          2. Munndy    Monday        7.   
1. spring    spring        3. Toozdy    Tuesday          
2. summer    summer        4. Wannzdy    Wednesday        1. oi be    I am

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