Traditional London Cockney Dialect

The London dialect, often called Cockney, is markedly different from the Kentish, West Country, South Midland and East Anglian dialects which surround it and for many years it has been spreading outwards at their expense.

London is also considered by many to be the home of Standard British English so I have given that here too. It will act as a key to the spelling system I’ve used for all the dialects.

1. bruvva    brother        1.           1.   
2. sista    sister        2.           2.   
3. sunn    son        3.           3.   
4. daw-’a    daughter        4.           4.   
5. fahva    father                  5.   
6. muvva    mother        1. Sunndy    Sunday        6.   
          2. Munndy    Monday        7.   
1. spring    spring        3. Choozdy    Tuesday          
2. summa    summer        4. Wennzdy    Wednesday        1. I am    I am

Standard British English using Dialect Spelling

1. brudhdha    brother        1. yes    yes        1. How muchch iz dhat?    How much is that?
2. sista    sister        2. noh    no        2. Wehr doo I peh?    Where do I pay?
3. sunn    son        3. pleez    please        3. Too unndastand    To understand
4. daw-ta    daughter        4. thank yoo    thank you        4. I unndastand    I understand
5. fahdha    father                  5. I dohnt unndastand    I don’t understand
6. mudhdha    mother        1. Sunndeh    Sunday        6. I noh    I know
          2. Munndeh    Monday        7. I dohnt noh    I don’t know
1. spring    spring        3. T-yoosdeh    Tuesday          
2. summa    summer        4. Wennzdeh    Wednesday        1. I am    I am

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Languages of the World
New Nutshell

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Meaning of Life
