Traditional Dialect of Kent

The dialect of Kent has been distinct from the other English dialects right back to Anglo-Saxon times. The distinction may go back to the time before those early Germanic tribes settled in Britain because the people of Kent were supposedly Jutes from Jutland while the neighbouring settlers in Sussex, Wessex, Middlesex and Essex were Saxons from slightly further south in Germany.

1. brudhdher    brother        1.           1.   
2. sister    sister        2.           2.   
3. sunn    son        3.           3.   
4. dahter    daughter        4.           4.   
5. fahder    father                  5.   
6. mudder    mother        1. Sunndy    Sunday        6.   
          2. Munndy    Monday        7.   
1. spring-g    spring        3.             
2. summer    summer        4. Wannzdy    Wednesday        1. I em    I am

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