Traditional Dialect of Gloucestershire

The Gloucestershire dialect had all the features of West Country English except that in a few words it showed the Midland / Northern feature of the "u" as in "full" where southern and south-western English used the "u" as in southern "fun". An example was Gloucestershire "thunder " which was "thunnder " in the dialects further south.

1. brudhdher    brother        1.           1.   
2. zister    sister        2.           2.   
3. zunn    son        3.           3.   
4. dahter    daughter        4.           4.   
5. vahdher    father                  5.   
6. mudhdher    mother        1. Zunndy    Sunday        6.   
          2.           7.   
1. spring    spring        3. Toozdy    Tuesday          
2. zummer    summer        4.           1. I be    I am

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