Traditional Dialect of Dorset

Old English, the language spoken in England before the Norman Conquest of 1066, was mostly the Old West Saxon variety which was native to Wessex. Dorset is in the heart of Wessex. Middle English, the language spoken in England after the Norman Conquest, evolved in the East Midlands which included the university towns of Oxford and Cambridge. Modern English, the standard British English since Tudor times, developed from late Middle English, but with London influences.

1. brudhdher    brother        1.           1.   
2. zester    sister        2.           2.   
3. zunn    son        3.           3.   
4. dahter    daughter        4.           4.   
5. vadhdher    father                  5.   
6. mudhdher    mother        1. Zunndy    Sunday        6.   
          2. Monndy    Monday        7.   
1. spring    spring        3.             
2. zummer    summer        4. Wannzdy    Wednesday        1. I be    I am

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