Traditional Dialect of Berkshire

The data for these English dialect pages is mostly taken from "The English Dialect Grammar" by Joseph Wright, 1905. Additional information comes from the "Survey Of English Dialects" which was carried out between 1950 and 1961. Unfortunately, Wright doesn’t give many examples of the Berkshire dialect which is why this page appears so empty. I have no intention of leaving Berkshire out however!

Study of the information that does exist suggests that the Berkshire dialect was in some ways a West Country dialect like Wiltshire or Dorset, but in others it was South Eastern, like Bedfordshire or Hertfordshire. The West Country final "-r" could be heard, but v- for f- and z- for s- were mostly, but not always, missing.

1.                                             1.                                          1.   
2. sister    sister        2.           2.   
3. sunn    son        3.           3.   
4. dahter    daughter        4.           4.   
5.                     5.   
6.           1.           6.   
          2.           7.   
1. spring    spring        3.             
2. summer    summer        4.           1. I be    I am

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