True Faith

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The deliverance from human sin and its consequences is SALVATION. GRACE is God's free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ; FAITH is our receiving that gift. And faith itself is His gift, because it comes from hearing God's Word, in the Bible.

We can do nothing ourselves to EARN salvation; not one of us is worthy of it. Romans chapter 3 verse 23: "Everyone has sinned and is far away from God's saving presence". So no-one is "good enough" for heaven, whatever they may have heard or thought! God sent His beloved Son to receive the death penalty for OUR sins. He died in OUR PLACE on the Cross. God raised Him to life (the Resurrection), and this is what He will do for each one of us if we believe in Jesus and PERSONALLY accept the loving gift of Grace. We don't do "good works" in order to be saved, but rather, we are saved to do good works. We have a new nature, a new life in Christ, and Christ by His Spirit lives in us. Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10: "God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus He has created for us a life of good deeds, which He has already prepared for us to do".

So what are these "good deeds"? Romans chapter 5 verse 5 says: "for God has poured out His love into our hearts by means of the Holy Spirit, who is God's gift to us". It means that we are to be obedient to Jesus' command to "love each other, just as I love you" (John chapter 15 verse 12). It means that we must be like trees which bear good, ripe fruit. And whenever you do a kindness to someone, it's just as if you were doing it to Jesus - and your compassion and charity will be remembered and rewarded in heaven, the place of peace, joy and love forever.

TRUE FAITH always gives rise to good works.