Sheep and Lambs

When Jesus was born, in a humble stable in Bethlehem, the first people to know about His arrival were...shepherds. They were looking after their flocks that night in the fields. An angel from God appeared to them and a brilliant light shone over them. He told them that the Saviour had been born and the shepherds lost no time in going to where the baby lay in His manger-crib. Later they went back to the fields, singing praises to God because it had all been just as the angel had told them! You can read about this in the book of Luke, chapter 2 verses 8 to 20.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Psalm number 23 tells us that He is, that we need fear nothing in our earthly life if we believe in Him and then, at the end of our stay in this world, we will dwell in the Lord's House for ever. John 10 verses 1 to 16 relate to Jesus saying that He is the shepherd of us, His sheep. A real shepherd cares all the time about his animals and keeps them together in one flock, safe from dangers.

Jesus is called the "Lamb of God". Why is He called a lamb? Because He was a SACRIFICE. In the Old Testament, when people worshiped they brought a young animal (such as a lamb or a calf) to be killed and then burnt on the altar, in order to be forgiven of their sins. God was pleased by this, because people owned animals and it meant they were prepared to give some of their wealth.

But Jesus, God's Son, became the ultimate sacrifice. Because He shed His blood on the Cross from His various wounds, no-one has to keep sacrificing animals any more. Whoever believes in Jesus has their sins completely forgiven, if they confess them sincerely and honestly to the Lord. We are "put right" with God. In John 1 verse 29 you can read how John the Baptist referred to Jesus as the "Lamb of God".