Our Father

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My father loved nature and was a keen gardener. He was interested in and fascinated by the natural world and the wonders of God's creation. As a youngster my parents encouraged me to say my prayers to my heavenly Father, and it was my dad who added even more to this by talking about nature, the environment and the changing seasons. He was born in a small rural village and grew up near a lake surrounded by woods and green fields. Genesis chapter 1 verse 21 says that God made "all kinds of birds" and "all kinds of grain and fruit" (see verses 29 and 30). My father taught me the names of birds, plants and trees; I even learnt the country folks' nicknames for various flowers.

God is the consummate artist and we humans are made in His image in order to be conscious of and appreciate beauty, design and colour. Wonderful landscape and seascape paintings abound in homes and galleries; cathedral spires soar into the sky for the Lord's glory. The skill and flair of countless craftsmen down the ages is breath-taking.

Psalm 14 is a song written by King David. The first verse says "Fools say to themselves 'There is no God'". Then, in Romans in the New Testament, St.Paul tells us "Ever since God created the world, His invisible qualities, both His eternal power and His divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are perceived in the things that God has made. So those people have no excuse at all!" (chapter 1 verse 20).

Jesus, the Son of the living God, came to earth to die for the forgiveness of our sins and was resurrected by the Father to prove that we were forgiven and could have a real relationship with God as His sons and daughters. Jesus taught the people in parables, simple stories with a moral or spiritual meaning. They were often related to aspects of the natural world, which His hearers would have understood.... trees and fruit, fishing, shepherds and sheep, the weather, crops and the harvest.

We all have to die, but if we believe in His ONCE AND FOR ALL death for us we will live with OUR FATHER for ever in heaven and enjoy its unimaginable eternal beauty.