Worries - Who Needs Them?

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Our loving Heavenly Father doesn't want us to be stressed out and worried all the time. Our world can be a very troubled place and lots of anxieties take hold of us day in and day out, but we must learn, through the Bible, to obey and trust the Lord. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, tells us to be courageous because He has already "defeated the world" (see John chapter 16 verse 33). By this He means that evil will eventually be kicked out for good!

You might like to look at the Psalms. They are a collection of various hymns and prayers to the Lord. Two which may particularly help us all are numbers 40 and 56. Read them all through and enjoy the reassurances they give. Remember that God the Father loves us very much - more than human fathers are able to do! Some fathers aren't so brilliant, I know, but God loves His children many, many times more than the very best, most devoted Dad. Trust Him!

I'm going to recommend two references in the New Testament which fill me personally with happiness. In Matthew chapter 11 verses 28 to 30 Jesus calls upon us to come to Him with all our burdens and cares. And Philippians chapter 4 verses 6 and 7 is actually saying "Don't worry! Pray to God for what you need, always having thankfulness in your heart, and you will find PEACE beyond human understanding". Have faith in what the Lord God is saying. Then tell those worries to leave you alone and get on with your life!!

I'm proud to say that the photo above shows my lovely Dad as a young man; he is now in Heaven but I have so many memories of his love and care for me.