Shine a Light

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"Rise and shine!" Many years ago that's what my dad would say to me whenever I was reluctant to get out of bed in the morning. Rise and shine like the sun! Now, however, I like to think of it as getting up each day and doing SOMETHING for Jesus, the Light of the World (see John's Gospel chapter 8 verse 12).

Jesus is the Son of God, who became a human and lived among us. John chapter 1 verse 5 says "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out". Darkness means all the sin and evil in the world. 2 Samuel chapter 22 verse 29 (Old Testament) says "You, Lord, are my light; you dispel my darkness". St.Paul confirms this in 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 (New Testament): "The God who said 'out of darkness the light shall shine' is the same God who made His light shine in our hearts, to bring us the knowledge of God's glory shining in the face of Christ".

When we believe in and accept Jesus as our own Lord and Saviour we have everlasting life waiting for us in heaven. But meanwhile we "shine" with His reflected glory when we do His will, being good to other people and telling them of His sacrificial love - that is, His death on the Cross for the forgiveness of sins, and His Resurrection. Light is LIFE. Plants need sunlight to make them grow green, strong and healthy. Shut away in a dark place they will soon turn yellow and weak, and eventually wither away. Christians are called to be like light for the whole world, bright as a candle flame and vivid as a starburst of fireworks.

John chapter 8 verse 12: "I am the Light of the World", He (Jesus) said, "Whoever follows Me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness". Think of the sparks that rise from a lit fire as little words and deeds of Christian love. Each has the possibility of "igniting" understanding about Jesus in another person. Then they in turn may create their own "sparks"! The Holy Spirit of God will be with us, and them, every step of the way.