
The Bible

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there
male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Galatians 3,28

The Bible

God created human beings in his own image.

Genesis 1,27

The Bible

"God has shown me that I should not think of anyone as impure or unclean."

Acts 10,28

The Bible

God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who
believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

John 3,16

The Bible

Jesus said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!"

Matthew 7,1-2

The Bible

Jesus said,"Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be
treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard
by which you will be judged."

Matthew 7,1-2

The Bible

Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone"

Genesis 2,18

The Bible

Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural
ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with
women and were inflamed with lust for one another.

Romans 1,26-27

Is God angry with individuals who have always been gay?

The Bible

Because there is so much sexual immorality, each man should have
his own wife, and each woman should have her own husband. The
husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should
fulfill her husband’s needs. The wife gives authority over her body to
her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his
wife. Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, except perhaps by
agreement for a limited time.

1 Corinthians 7,2-5
