Old Cornish (c.880-1300)
  1. ha
  2. duw, duw
  3. liver, en liver
  4. cos, en cos
  5. eglos, en eglos
  6. ki, en ki
  7. lagat, en lagat, legeit
  8. tat, en tat
  9. ti, en ti
  10. ruy, en ruy
  11. lin, en lin
  12. lait, en lait
  13. nos, en nos
  14. hen, hen
  15. ruifanes
  16. nant, en nant
  17. guins, en guins
  18. bliþen, en bliþen
Old Cornish was spoken in Cornwall and Devon (the latter at least until 926AD when the River Tamar became the Cornish border).
