Middle English (1150-1450) - Englyssh
  1. and
  2. appel, þe appel, apples
  3. blake
  4. boke, þe boke, bokes
  5. chese, þe chese, cheses
  6. chirche, þe chirche, chirches
  7. hound, þe hound, houndes
  8. to drinke
  9. eȝe, þe eȝe, eiȝen
  10. fader, þe fader, fadres
  11. to ȝyve
  12. hous, þe hous, houses
  13. yland, þe yland, ylandes
  14. dublet, þe dublet, dubletes
  15. kyng, þe kyng, kynges
  16. lake, þe lake, lakes
  17. mylk, þe mylk
  18. nyȝt, þe nyȝt, nyȝt
  19. old
  20. peper, þe peper, peperes
  21. quene, þe quene, quenes
  22. to rede
  23. to synge
  24. þinne
  25. to understande
  26. dale, þe dale, dales
  27. wynde, þe wynde, wyndes
  28. ȝeer, þe ȝeer, ȝeer
  29. noȝt
Þe bigynnyng of þe gospel of Jhesu Crist þe sone of God. For God lovede so þe world þat he ȝaf his oon bigetun sone þat ech man þat bileveþ in him perische not but have everlastynge lijf.
The Bible, Mark 1,1 + John 3,16

1. oon
2. two
3. þre
4. fowre
5. fyve
6. syxe
7. sevene
8. eȝte
9. nyne
10. ten
100. an hundred

Middle English was spoken in:

Iernemouth (Gt. Yarmouth)
Lindecolnea (Lincoln)
Saresbury (Salisbury)
Botolfston (Boston)
Lynne (King's Lynn)
Yepiswiche (Ipswich)

  1. Ȝea. Nay.
  2. . . . . .     I do þankingis.
9. Oure fadir þat art in hevenes, halewid be þi name;
10. þi kyngdoom come to; be þi wille don in erþe as in hevene;
11. ȝyve to us þis dai oure breed over oþir substaunce;
12. and forȝyve to us oure dettis, as we forȝyven to oure dettouris;
13. and lede us not in to temptacioun, but delyvere us fro yvel.
The Bible, Matthew 6, 9-13 (The Lord's Prayer)

  1. soneday
  2. moneday
  3. tewesday
  4. wednesday
  5. þursday
  6. friday
  7. saterday
  1. januarie
  2. februarie
  3. march
  4. aprille
  5. may
  6. june
  7. juyl
  8. augoste
  9. septembre
  10. octobre
  11. novembre
  12. decembre
  1. norþ
  2. souþ
  3. est
  4. west
Quotation Marks

Ȝea     [quotation marks not used]
