Common Slavonic (400 - 600)
  1. *i
  2. *ablŭko
  3. *čĭrnŭ
  4. *kŭniga
  5. *syrŭ
  6. *cerky
  7. *pĭsŭ
  8. *piti
  9. *oko
  10. *otĭcĭ
  11. *dati
  12. *domŭ
  13. *ostrovŭ
  14. *korljĭ
  15. *ezero
  16. *melko
  17. *noktĭ
  18. *starĭ
  19. *čisti
  20. *pěti
  21. *tri
  22. *dolŭ
  23. *větrĭ
  24. *lěto
1. *edinŭ
2. *dva
3. *tri
4. *četyre
5. *pętĭ
6. *šestĭ
7. *sedmĭ
8. *osmĭ
9. *devętĭ
10. *desętĭ
100. *sŭto

* = hypothetical

Common Slavonic was possibly spoken in western Russia, western Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, eastern Germany, Bohemia, Slovakia, eastern Austria, Slovenia, the Balkans, Romania and Greece, though not necessarily as the first language.
